About Rennet Thailand – What is it and where to buy
Cheese making in Thailand isn’t very widespread. Because of this, rennet Thailand is sometimes difficult to find. You can now get both liquid and tablet rennet online from this site.
What is Rennet?

Liquid Rennet
Traditional animal rennet is an enzyme derived from the stomachs of calves, lambs or goats before they consume anything but milk. (Ours is all from calves.) It is about 90% pure chymosin. Vegetable rennet is obtained from a type of mold (Mucur Miehei). However, even though it is derived from mold, there is no mold contained in the final product. It is an equivalent chymosin product which works equally well but is not animal derived. We do not carry vegetable rennet at the moment. Rennet thrives at temperatures in the 30-40C range, but it won’t be deactivated completely until it reaches the 60C’s. Rennet continues working to set the milk as long as it has the right conditions. So, when a recipe calls for cutting the curds after a certain time period, it is important to follow the directions. Otherwise, your curds may be too firm for the cheese you are trying to make.
2 Kinds of Animal Rennet Thailand
The 2 basic forms that rennet come in are tablets and liquid. Both have it’s advantages and disadvantages.
Liquid’s main advantage is that you can control the amount of liquid more precisely to the drop. It’s easy to measure out to your recipe.
Tablet rennet Thailand is often broken into quarters for the recipe. Most of the time you have a little more, or a little less. Not as precise at liquid rennet but there is an advantage of tablets; they last a lot longer. If properly stored, tablet rennet can last for years.
You can get rennet Thailand in both forms, liquid rennet here or tablet rennet here. Either way, you’ll love how easy it is to make delicious cheese at a fraction of the cost of store bought cheese.
You can find this and other cheese making products at Thai Artisan Foods.
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